Exhibition honours art legend

Iréne-Mari van der Walt
The National Art Gallery (NAGN) in collaboration with the Namibia Art Association opens an art exhibition on Saturday at 11:00 in memory of the award-winning artist Trudi Dicks, who passed away on 3 June this year.
"We celebrate her creativity and the beauty she left behind," the NAGN said on its media platforms.
Trudi's art is popular with collectors because of her unconventional and unique style. Her work mainly consists of linocuts, woodcuts and metal etchings and she has developed her own methods with linoleum, wood and collagraphy.
Trudi's first exhibition consisted of enormous black and white linoleum prints with political themes, as well as the dynamics of relationships between men and women.
She later added artworks from clay, wood, plastic and stone as well as sewing to her methods.
According to her website, the intensity of Trudi's work can be attributed to her hearing impairment, which has led her to a more intimate observation of the visual space.
Trudi was known for signing her artwork with her initials "GSM Dicks".