Family exhibition opens at the Omba

Join the Omba Gallery for an unusual and interesting art exhibition created by the Nel family that opens on Friday evening.
The exhibition features works by Rika Nel, Johanna Erasmus, Daniel Nel, and Selien Alberts, who have collaborated to showcase their unique artistic styles and mediums.
Rika’s mixed media artwork, inspired by the shortage of food, endangered species and overpopulation, showcases the vulnerability of living beings. Her work includes acrylic paintings on canvas, teabag quilts, and pen-and-ink drawings that reflect on the themes of nature, women, and children.
Johanna, an optometrist-turned-artist, presents watercolour portraits of people that reflect their raw emotions. Her inspiration for painting came during the Covid 19 lockdown when she was bored and discovered her passion for art when she found her daughters water colour set during a cleaning spree – the rest is history as she quickly became addicted to it.
Daniel’s art is themed "Spirit, Body, and Movement" and reflects the movement of energy through all living things. He creates sculptures by welding recycled materials together and uses carton on canvas with spray paint. His inspiration comes from the uninterrupted flow of spirit, which makes humans bloom like flowers.
Selien’s artwork mainly features female figures and showcases the theme of energy. Her works are created using various media and techniques, including colouring pencils, soft pastels, linoleum, and etching prints. Her inspiration comes from the energy that flows within her, and she channels it into creating artworks that touch on various themes.
The Nel family's art exhibition promises to be unusual, interesting and thought-provoking. It is an opportunity to view the unique artistic styles and mediums of four talented family members in one space.
View the exhibition until 19 March or contact Rika at 081 288 3870 for more info.