Local designers head to Botho Fashion Week

Michael Kayunde
Two of Namibia's leading designers will showcase their creations at the prestigious Batho Fashion Week in Gaborone, Botswana, this coming weekend.
The MTC Windhoek Fashion Week is sending Armando van Wyk, the visionary founder of King_A_Apparel, and Jody Claasen, the creative force behind J. Class to represent Namibia at this event.
Van Wyk is known for his bold and exciting designs that challenge conventional fashion norms. His work has become synonymous with creativity and expression, making him a leading figure on Namibia's fashion scene.
Jody Claasen brings a different flair to the catwalk with her ethereal and sophisticated designs. Her brand, J.Class, has captivated audiences with its timeless appeal and intricate craftsmanship.
This chance to participate in Batho Fashion Week is made possible due to a strategic partnership signed last year between MTC Windhoek Fashion Week and Batho Fashion Week, aiming to promote cooperation and strengthen ties in the art and cultural space between the neighboring countries.
The participation of these designers at the Batho Fashion Week is not only a platform to showcase their brand and talent, but also an invaluable opportunity to market and sell their products outside of Namibia's borders.
This cross-border collaboration highlights the importance of cultural exchange and the growing influence of Namibian fashion on the international stage.
"We are delighted to see Namibian designers taking their talent to new heights. The Batho Fashion Week provides an excellent opportunity for them to expand the scope of their market and strengthen Namibia's position as a key player in the global fashion industry. - [email protected]