Namibian performers gearing up for SA performing arts competition

Set to shine on SA stage
Four talented Namibians are heading across the border to participate in the South African Championships of the Performing Arts from 20 to 29 September.
Patricia Coetzee
Four Namibian performers will compete in the South African Championships of the Performing Arts (SACOPA) from 20 to 29 September at the Rustenburg Civic Centre.
The four performers qualified after winning gold in various performing arts styles at the Namibia Championships of the Performing Arts in July and have a combined portfolio of modelling, acting, dancing, rapping and singing.
Director of the Namibia Championships of the Performing Arts, Lomine Langley, said during the competition in July, over 200 gold medals were awarded.
Langley said last year, drummer Hayden Kitt competed at SACOPA and did exceptionally well.
“Hayden Kitt went as a drummer. He did amazing. Got gold and silver. We were so proud of him,’ she said.
She encouraged team Namibia competing in South Africa to enjoy every moment and give it their all.
“To all contestants, we know this is a big competition, but remember to enjoy every second, learn from other contestants and always give your best."
Elinka Botes
Elinka may only be 10 years old, but that did not stop her from scooping the Junior Grand Champion award at the Namibian Championships of the Performing Arts earlier this year.
In addition, she also won several gold medals in acting, dancing and modelling, as well as the overall junior acting award. Her achievements at the competition allowed her to qualify for the SACOPA, where she will be representing the land of the brave.
The Windhoek Gymnasium learner said she is excited to take on the South African stage for the first time and has been preparing for the competition with consistent practice.
“I am prepared, but I try to practice and rehearse at least an hour every day,” Botes said.
Botes said she hopes to return home with a trophy and as many gold medals as she can possibly get, but most importantly, she is excited about the opportunity to make new friends and just be around people with the same love for the performing arts.
Melissa Müller
Melissa, better known as Scarlet Gray, is a rapper, vocalist, dancer, actor and, as of recently, a model. For her, the performing arts is her entire life and her full-time occupation.
Gray took part in the Namibian Champions this year and competed in vocal rap, R&B, gospel and acting (dramatical) and won gold for all her performances.
She said that competing in SACOPA is just one step toward achieving her goals.
“I just want to live in this experience and learn from other performers and bring that back to Namibia, so that I can mentor and help others as I've been doing for the last seven years,” she said.
She said it is important for her to acknowledge two people who are no longer in her life but who have always motivated her in her creative pursuits.
“I feel that it is important to thank Christa Klein (Aunty Christa) and Maria Abankwah Larsen for their never-ending support. And even though they will not physically be there to support me, I know they are in the crowd."
Christine Kaumbi
Winning four gold medals in a single competition is no easy feat, especially for a first-time competitor. But, for 10-year-old St Paul’s learner Christine, this achievement came with ease at the Namibia Championships of the Performing Arts in July.
Kaumbi won four gold medals in her solo vocal performance, leading her to qualify and represent Namibia at SACOPA.
“The Namibia Championships was my first time competing in any competition, and I am nervous and excited to take part in the South African Championships,” Kaumbi said.
The vocalist has been preparing for weeks, taking regular vocal training sessions and taking time to learn her lyrics, all while staying focused on her schoolwork.
She added that she is most excited about gaining confidence from performing on a big stage in South Africa.
“I look forward to learning from other artists at the competition and I would love to grow more confident on stage. I am excited to meet new people,” Kaumbi said.
Zalika Indila Akwenya
Competing in the Namibia Championships of the Performing Arts is a first for 16-year-old UCT online high school learner Zalika Akwenya. She managed to scoop one gold and two silver medals in various vocal categories, winning gold in the rock category and silver medals in the soul and open categories.
In preparation for the competition, Zalika has focused for the past few weeks on doing intense vocal training, working on her stage presence and rehearsing regularly to perfect her performance.
She said the set of songs she chose for the competition is aimed at showing her voice’s ability to tackle diverse styles.
For Zalika, SACOPA represents an opportunity for her to expand her creative circle and gain as much experience as possible. “From the SA Championships, I hope to gain valuable experience, network with other talented performers and grow as an artist,” she said.
For this performer, the South African stage waiting for her from 20 to 29 September offers a stepping stone towards discovering her artistic self.