Namibian talent set to dazzle international audiences

Olympics of the performing arts
Aldo Horn
Three Namibian performing artists will represent the country at the World Championships of Performing Arts in Los Angeles from 28 June to 7 July. The team consists of vocalist Patricia Coetzee and dancers and actors Julian Schiebler and Pelegia Zimny. At the event, the team will have the opportunity to compete against participants from more than 60 other countries. Lomine Langley, organiser of the Namibian Championships of the Performing Arts, said the competition is "like the Olympics, only for performing arts." The three contestants previously performed at the Namibian Championships in front of a panel of five judges to qualify for the World Championships. Namibia has a history of sending contestants to this competition and returning home with medals. Additionally, due to the prestige of this event, the contestants have a chance to fast-track their careers in the entertainment industry. Langley wished the contestants the best of luck: "All of you are amazing people and so close to my heart. I met some of them when they were little. I saw them grow into the amazing contestants that they are. Have fun and keep Namibia's name high. I am so proud of each of you."