Compass launched

Transformation in fund administration
Gerine Hoff
Old Mutual Namibia officially introduced Compass, their cutting-edge fund administration system on Wednesday.
According to the Managing Director of Old Mutual Namibia Corporate Segment Patricia Olivier, the significance of innovation in driving progress and growth. Drawing parallels between historical innovations that shaped societies and Old Mutual's legacy as a reliable companion during uncertain times, Olivier emphasized the need for continuous transformation to stay relevant and thrive in a rapidly changing world.
“The arrogance of success is to think that what you did yesterday will be sufficient for tomorrow,” highlighting Old Mutual Namibia's forward-thinking approach. While the Orion Umbrella Pension and Provident Funds have been pillars of stability for countless employers, the evolving landscape necessitated a change.
The Compass System, a state-of-the-art fund administration platform, symbolises Old Mutual Namibia's unwavering commitment to serving its customers with enhanced digitisation and automation. This modern system empowers members, employers, and intermediaries with the tools and resources to navigate the financial landscape confidently and transparently.
Carmen Forster, Head of Business Development and Client Retention at Old Mutual Namibia Corporate Segment, expressed gratitude for the team's tireless efforts and the unwavering support from stakeholders, acknowledging the excitement surrounding Compass. She assured attendees that comprehensive training sessions would be provided to equip everyone with the knowledge and skills needed to make the most of Compass seamlessly.
“We are the architects of a future where dreams flourish, and financial freedom knows no bounds,” Forster said, underscoring the transformative impact of Compass on pension and retirement funds in Namibia.
Isaack Veii, the National Sales Manager of Old Mutual Namibia Corporate Segment, described Compass as a symbol of guidance and direction in the digital era. He thanked clients for their loyalty and enduring partnership throughout the years and reaffirmed the importance of change to unlock efficiencies and facilitate ease of doing business.
The Corporate Segment Compass Launch marks the beginning of an exciting journey for Old Mutual Namibia and its stakeholders. It showcases Old Mutual Namibia's dedication to innovation, customer-centricity, and commitment to shaping a brighter financial future for all.