Fun while workshopping

Ensuring best outcomes
Be Local Team Building and Events recently hosted the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) and her partners: The University of Namibia, the Ministry of Health and Social Services and 35 international and regional researchers and health practitioners for the first of several training initiatives by the RKI to build capacity in applied public health research in Africa.
Whilst the participants delved into strenuous mental work, it was Be Local’s responsibility to ensure everyone relaxed, connected and collaborated for the best learning outcomes.
The workshop was the first of the Capacity Building in Applied Public Health Research in GHPP partner countries (CARe) project that aims to build capacity in applied public health research in many partner African countries and Be Local was contracted to ensure the workshop was successful and memorable.
“We had the privilege to spark long-lasting connections between brilliant minds and hearts from across Africa. It was great to see how our ice-breakers and team-building activities fostered real and diverse friendships for a very important cause,” said Alna Dall, Events Manager and Facilitator at Be Local.
Be Local’s collaboration with local talent and businesses to provide professional events and workshops left a positive impression on all the participants.
One of the participants, Chinedu Okorafor, a scientist for the Nigerian Centre of Disease Control, was thrilled with the event. “It was an awesome experience with the Be Local team. Their organisation of events is top-notch. The team is very sociable, innovative and knowledgeable professionally. Their engagement and logistics oversight were outstanding,” said Okoroafor.
The 5-day, in-person workshop was hosted at Klein Windhoek Guesthouse that provided accommodation and catering for all the participants, while a fun team-building event was held at Droombos. Travel and transport was handled by XL Travel Pro and Windhoek Airport Transfers Tours and Rentals.
By joining hands with local partners and businesses, Be Local ensures that clients and guests have the best local experience available.
For more information on Be Local, visit or call Richard on 081 275 2257