The passion and love behind Shema Coffee Roasters

A couple from Windhoek aims to create a space with their coffee shop where people can enjoy their coffee and delicacies comfortably and sociably.
Kristien Kruger
A young man with a passion for coffee and a woman with a love for baking - that's definitely a winning recipe and on top of that, this skilled duo is also in love and engaged.
André van der Berg and Linique Theron took a leap about two years ago and jumped head first into the coffee industry, opening their first cafe in Klein Windhoek with the name Shema Coffee Roasters.
They recently opened asecond branch in the central business district and have also welcomed numerous other developments in their personal lives.
When André and Linique began this adventure, they were in a relationship and both in the right place to take on something new.
"Neither of us had a job at that stage. I had just moved back from South Africa and André quit his job. We saw an opportunity and we took a chance and the Lord opened all the necessary doors for us," Linique says.
André has always had a passion for good coffee and that is why he decided to put together his own blend and roast it himself.
Shortly after Shema opened its doors, André ordered a roaster for coffee beans and put it right there in the shop and got to work. Shema therefore has a unique coffee flavour and the coffee beans are also packaged so that every coffee lover can also make and enjoy it at their own home.
However, it is the atmosphere at Shema that makes it special and makes you sip your coffee a little longer.
Linique, André and their team's friendliness makes every visit worthwhile.
Apart from the delicious and unique coffee, Linique is a master baker with a passion for trying to make everything that looks good herself.
"I learned from my mother and always enjoyed baking with her," Linique says.
The name Shema has a deeper meaning that is close to both André and Linique's heart. It is a Hebrew word and means to listen and obey.
"We chose it because it [obedience] is something we want to apply in our lives."
Second branch
According to Linique, they have come a long way from where they started two years ago, but the growth has happened systematically.
"We built up a loyal customer base and over time made friends and got to know incredible people. We try to take it one step at a time and to constantly improve."
The new branch is located on Independence Avenue, right in front of the Old Mutual Tower in the city centre. Linique says that one day they saw the space was open and after calling and finding out the rent, they decided to take advantage of the opportunity.
"Growth is exciting and we wanted another challenge."
The second store has a similar look and feel as their first store and according to Linique, they strive to create a comfortable area where people can meet for a cosy date.
"We want to create a space where people feel safe to be able to share and also where we can get to know them and how to deal with them. That's how we've already built a nice community at our first store."
Linique and André also say that they have learned a lot since they started in July 2022. These include planning, budgeting and how to work with people. "Everyone is not always easy," Linique jokes.
"You also get to know people's patterns and how we are all just 'creatures of habit'. We also realised how many people there are who genuinely want to help us and want to contribute to our business and we really appreciate it."
Tying the knot
Linique and André recently got engaged and André, who is also a talented rugby player, is currently in France where he plays professionally.
"We recently got engaged and this is of course a nice time in one's relationship. André got a contract to play in France and we are very excited about another dream coming true.
"Our slogan is 'my cup runneth over' and we are really experiencing overflow in excess."
Of course, this leaves Linique with the challenge to manage both shops, but this does not deter her, especially because she has an incredible team that assists her.
"The management of both stores will mainly fall on me, but luckily I'm not on my own. We have a new business partner on board who you will get to know at the new store. His name is Luke and he is a great asset to us and the business. I'm sure you'll enjoy him as much as we do."
Luke is not all helping hand. André's sister, Chrismarie, also has valuable experience in managing a coffee shop and often helps out. "She is more than willing to fill his [André's] place and help with everything one can possibly think of. We are very grateful to her and you will definitely get to know her even better." – [email protected]