FNB Kudu Rugby Club awards players

Lloyd Jacobs and Sophia Noble took home the Sportsman and Sportswoman of the Year awards, respectively.
Nikanor Nangolo
The Walvis Bay FNB Kudu Rugby Club hosted its annual award ceremony in the harbour town on Saturday.
The ceremony saw the recognition and awarding of team players, with Lloyd Jacobs scooping the Sportsman of the Year award and Sophia Noble taking home the Sportswoman of the Year award.
Speaking at the event, Kudu's Rugby vice chairperson Lovina Plato said that the prize-giving was aimed at recognising their players. “Your hard work and dedication have paid off tonight. Remember that you build on the pillars that stand for discipline, accountability, teamwork and respect. Tonight is about you, both men and women,” Plato said, extending a word of appreciation to everyone who came in numbers to support the players.
The governor of the Erongo region Neville Andre said rugby is a sport that embodies the true spirit of unity, strength and camaraderie.
“It teaches us valuable life lessons; lessons that extend far beyond the boundaries of the playing field. The FNB Kudu's Rugby team exemplifies these virtues in the most remarkable ways. You have shown us that success is not merely measured by victories, but by the character, integrity, and values we uphold as individuals and as a team.
“As we reflect on the challenges and triumphs of the past year, it is important to acknowledge the support and dedication of the coaching staff, management and all the support personnel behind the scenes. Their efforts, sacrifices and guidance have played a significant role in shaping each player and instilling a sense of pride and purpose within the team.”
Andre added that the FNB Kudus have not only brought glory to Walvis Bay but also inspired countless individuals, young and old, across Namibia.
“You have become role models, inspiring the next generation of aspiring rugby players and instilling in them the belief that with passion, hard work, and dedication, dreams are indeed achievable.
“Let us take a moment to recognise the families and loved ones who have stood by your side, offering support and encouragement throughout the highs and lows of this incredible journey. Their sacrifices and understanding have played a crucial part in your success, and we extend our deepest gratitude to them,” Andre said.
“As you embark upon a new year filled with new challenges and opportunities, let us carry the spirit of the FNB Kudu's rugby team within us. Let us continue to push boundaries, to set new goals, and to strive for excellence in all that we do,” he concluded.