636 children, 52 teachers benefit from ECD project

The Capricorn Foundation announced its continued support of the Development Workshop Namibia (DWN) for its “Strengthening Early Childhood Development in Namibia’s informal settlements” project, with a further donation of N$400 000 to contribute towards good quality early childhood education and learning opportunities.
This financial support will be channelled towards the 24 ECD centres that DWN supports in Opuwo and Katima Mulilo. The project will continue for 12 months and will benefit 636 children that are enrolled in these ECD centres, as well as 52 teachers.
The ECD project comprises three intervention areas, namely teaching & learning materials that will see the development, design, printing and distribution of books, booklets and other supporting materials; teacher training in all project towns, including the development and printing of effective and appropriate teacher training materials; and ECD centre physical improvements, which will involve the finalizing of appropriate and efficient grant mechanism and commencement of construction and monitoring to improve physical structures of the centres.
These activities are implemented in close collaboration with local authorities and the Ministries of Gender and Education.
“ECD is one of the key pillars of the Harambee Prosperity Plan 2 (HPPII), seeking to address the long-term effects that result from unequal opportunities for young children,” says Hilma Weber, ECD Programme Manager of DWN.
“This important document for guiding development activities explicitly names DWN as a partner of government for urban development. This strong relationship allows DWN to collaborate with government institutions to best support the provision of quality and integrated ECD throughout Namibia, and we are proud that Capricorn Foundation has once again committed to investing in our initiatives.”
In the last two years, the Capricorn Foundation has supported various projects operating across Namibia with a focus on support, infrastructural improvements of ECD centres and the development of ECD material for teachers and children.
“Data shows that investment in ECD is one of the most effective and cost-effective strategies for societies to develop the human capital required to advance economic and social development, as the period in a child’s life from 0-8 years is critical in terms of building a strong foundation for a healthy development, lifelong learning and well-being,” says Marlize Horn, Group Executive: Brand & Corporate Affairs and Acting Head of the Capricorn Foundation. “We are proud to be working with a development partner that has a track record of successful implementation and sustainable change.”