Logos Hope: Around 40 000 visitors welcomed

Leandrea Mouers
The world's largest floating book fair, Logos Hope, welcomed nearly 40 000 visitors over the 11 days of opening its doors to the public before her departure.
The book fair that was anchored in Walvis Bay's harbour closed its doors to the public on Sunday and is leaving for Angola today.
A volunteer on the ship and the project manager of the Logos Hope Namibia Advance Preparation Team, Paolenta Kevo, said during a media conference last week that the governor of the Erongo Region, Neville Andre, and municipal officials were actively involved in the daily activities as volunteers on board.
“From welcoming passengers and cleaning to painting, cooking and even engine maintenance. The joint efforts demonstrated the power of communities and cooperation," said Kevo.
During its visit to the Namibian coast, Logos Hope hosted a series of impactful events at the port, catering to diverse groups including children, teenagers, youth, women and parents.
“Highlights included the exciting Crew for a Day experience which gave participants a unique glimpse into life aboard Logos Hope. The Meet the World event attracted almost 300 participants, including Ms. Sustjie Mbumba, the first lady of Namibia," he said.
A farewell dinner was held last night to thank the approximately 78 local volunteers for their support and help over the past two weeks.
Kevo also expressed the crew's gratitude to Namibians last week.
"My heart was deeply touched by the Namibian people's generosity and hospitality. I want to express my sincere gratitude to all Namibians who welcomed us to your country and were part of our journey. Thank you for your kindness and support."