Six new local books to promote social, emotional development

DWN takes hands with key players
Yolanda Nel
Namibia celebrated the launch of a series of socio-emotional storybooks designed to promote social and emotional development last week. These storybooks are part of Development Workshop Namibia’s Play for All program, which provides early childhood development (ECD) interventions in the region.
Recognising the critical role of early childhood development in shaping children’s well-being, the Play for All programme focuses on creating and distributing locally contextualised storybooks and teaching materials. These resources address the needs not only in Namibia but also in Southern Africa and potentially globally.
These six new books have been authored by local writers Hilma Weber and Jessica Brown and illustrated by local artist Elizabeth Kopf, all passionate about inspiring children and creating wonder for them. According to Weber, these storybooks are designed to empower children aged 3 to 10 years by supporting their social and emotional development, promoting literacy, and fostering a love for reading.
“I never grew up with books but now I love to read and I hope that all of you will love story time,” she said.
Shaping children
Early childhood is a period of rapid brain and body growth, making ECD crucial in shaping a child's overall well-being and future success.
“Ninety percent of a child’s brain develops before the age of five, and during this critical period of brain plasticity, reading to children and fostering a love of books can significantly enhance their cognitive and emotional growth. When a primary caregiver reads to a child, it supports brain development through language exposure, problem-solving, creativity, imagination, and bonding between the adult and the child. Stories also aid socio-emotional growth by teaching lessons, evoking emotions, promoting empathy, and providing opportunities for caregivers to discuss the books' themes with the child, applying them to the child’s life.”
The Play for All programme by DWN offers ECD interventions in the informal settlements of Namibian towns. A cornerstone of this program is the creation and distribution of locally contextualised storybooks and teaching materials. A study from 2014, indicated that children who have access to books at home and in their ECD centers experience notable benefits compared to those without such access.
The Embassy of Switzerland was part of this project and according to Urs Gamma, an honourary consul general of the embassy, reading is invaluable. “We believe that reading opens up a world to children, a world and doors that may not have existed before. We do not doubt that these special books, written with much care by local writers will inspire future generations of children in Namibia to excel and reach their full potential.”