State schools: 90% without functioning libraries

The director of the Namibia Librarian and Archives Services released statistics regarding libraries in state schools on Wednesday.
Aldo Horn
Namibia has 1 725 ​​state schools nationwide with only 164 (or 9.5%) of these with library facilities.
This is what the director of the Namibia Library and Archives Services (NLAS), Sarah Negumbo, said on Wednesday at an event at the Ministry of Mines and Energy.
This with the aim of putting the state of Namibia's school libraries in context.
The definition of a "library facility" is also incredibly broad and includes books in a cupboard in a teacher's classroom.
Real, purpose-driven libraries are only accessible to 58 schools - numerous regions such as Erongo, Hardap, //Kharas and Kunene do not have access to a single functioning school library, according to NLAS statistics.
Another issue highlighted is the shortage of qualified librarians who staff the few libraries that do exist. Only 47 professional librarians were employed in state school libraries nationwide.
Negumbo said in her speech that this is not due to a shortage of qualified persons, as these qualifications and training are available at universities such as the University of Namibia (Unam).
The problem is a lack of money from the Ministry of Education, she said yesterday.
"Africa does not value knowledge. Policy makers do not value knowledge - that is why libraries are not a priority for your ministry, Ms. Negumbo," the former prime minister, Nahas Angula, told the director.
Although Negumbo did not give an exact figure for the money they received, she said the "funding gap is enormous".
She added that the funding that was received "is not enough to carry out projects and activities".
"Therefore, NLAS relies on donations from private companies and partnerships with institutions such as the Goethe Institute of Namibia to provide the local youth with resources to learn with." Negumbo encouraged the public to donate their time to assist with library programmes and events, and solicit donations of books and library resources.
She also emphasised that further advocacy for the importance of school libraries between the community and local government officials is essential.
The theme of the event was "Promoting pupils' actions through the use of school libraries in Namibia". – [email protected]