Trust distributes 180 000 educational booklets

The African Child Development Trust (ACDT) announced that the second semester's delivery of educational booklets for the 2024 financial year has begun.
This initiative targets pre-primary and grades 1, 2 and 3 and thus supports the educational journey of young learners all over Namibia. This year, 180 000 booklets have already been distributed, with another 180 000 waiting to be shipped. Parents, teachers and children can get their monthly booklet in Republikein or Namibian Sun when they buy it from a street vendor.
Pre-primary children receive their books directly from their schools, thus ensuring accessibility and convenience. The booklets are available in eight languages, namely Afrikaans, English, Khoekhoegowab, Oshikwanyama, Oshindonga, Otjiherero, Rumanyo and Rukwangali, to meet the learners’ needs.
Learners also have access to all materials along with online classes via All booklets are available to download for free in 11 languages and online lessons are available in English and sign language.
ACDT's distribution of booklets covers all 14 regions of the country and is in line with a commitment to bring quality education to every corner of the country. The project is made possible thanks to the generous support of the sponsors and partners First National Bank Namibia, Capricorn Foundation, Powerline Africa, Allan & Gill Gray Foundation, the Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture, Logistics Hub Namibia, Print Media Hub, Synergi and Network Media Hub.
Without these sponsors’ support and commitment to improving educational opportunities for Namibia's children, it would not have been possible to make a tangible difference in the lives of young learners.
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