WIS celebrates Namibian heritage

Windhoek International School (WIS) will be celebrating Namibian Heritage Week, a vibrant and enriching week-long event that embraces the rich cultural tapestry of Namibia while fostering unity and understanding among students, families, and the community from 18 to 22 September.
The event promises to be an immersive experience that will leave participants with a deep appreciation for the country's heritage.
Namibian Heritage Week aligns with WIS’s commitment to fostering a sense of unity and understanding among its diverse student body. By celebrating the rich heritage of Namibia, students are encouraged to value cultural diversity, promote inclusivity, and build bridges across differences.
Monday, 18 September: Creative Writing Contest, with N$500 up for grabs, with all students (grades 3 to 12) in any language. The brief: Create a handwritten 500-word science fiction story where explorers discover an entirely new and uncharted region within Namibia. What mysteries, creatures, or natural wonders might they encounter? What challenges would you face, and what unexpected discoveries might they make?
Tuesday: Morning Melody from 07:00 to 07:30 (Traditional Drumming Circle)
Wednesday: Heritage Elegance all day (Wear Heritage Prints)
Thursday: Namibia Reads all day (share and bring Namibian books/authors to school)
Friday: Kapana on campus from noon to 14:00 (buy local and boost the economy)
WIS invites all residents of Windhoek to join us in commemorating Namibian Heritage Week. For more information about the events, email [email protected]