Young Namibians showcase their skills at WorldSkills

Augetto Graig
Fourteen young Namibians took part in this year's WorldSkills competition in Lyon, France last week.
This competition aims to promote the youth's apprenticeship, professional training, mobility and their skills and focuses, among other things, on mechatronics, restaurant service, masonry, plumbing and cooking.
Among the approximately 1 400 participants there were 14 Namibians - Revello Uirab, Simon Haimbodi, Elizabeth Shikongeni, Morgan Shaumbwa, Herta Kashupi, Vetjiua Zamuee, Dry-Genise Higoam, Wilbard Mbenzi, Upanderapo Kaapehi, Gamenandje Kalunduka, Lea Abiatar, Undjivanga Murangi, Caleb Kapa, and Simonia Swartbooi.
This is Namibia's fifth participation in WorldSkills and was also at the event in 2015 in São Paulo in Brazil; Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates (2017), Kazan in Russia (2019) and also participated in the special edition in 2022, which took place in various locations around the world.
Before the team's departure to France, higher education minister Dr Itah Kandjii-Murangi said they were well prepared and ready to make an impact. “Competitors and experts received intensive training and support to ensure they perform at their best. The participants are well versed in terms of the competition rules, as well as WorldSkills' code of ethics and conduct guidelines," she said.
Young ambassadors
Experts were sent along for each discipline to provide guidance, leadership and assistance, and include Uinii Muhuure, Reinhold Nevonga, Ralf Herrgott, Lukas Helao, Beatha Shinana, Elnestu Shimwefeleni, Valitel Ndemwiimba, Salatiel Shilongo, Kleopas Elifas, Victor Indombo, Donovan Diergaardt, Ebben Kapalie and Neville Urora Uandara.
Before the team's departure, President Nangolo Mbumba encouraged the young citizens to do their very best as ambassadors of Namibia. "Your participation is an excellent opportunity to prove on the world stage that Namibia is progressing and that we are making strong progress in building a national skills system that can compete with the best in the world."
The 47th edition of this world competition officially kicked off last Tuesday and the first items on the program took place the following day.
French president Emmanuel Macron officially opened the competition on Tuesday evening.
On the same day, participants visited local schools as part of the project "One school, one country".
The Worldskills conference began on Wednesday, with discussions on how to put trade skills at the top of the global agenda. This year's proceedings concluded this past weekend with the competition ending on Saturday and the closing ceremony taking place on Sunday. – [email protected]