Boost for Namibia pavilion at Hydrogen Summit

As the world pivots towards sustainable energy solutions, Namibia stands at the forefront of the green hydrogen revolution, with vast renewable resources and strategic vision, fuelling the country’s ambitions of becoming the sustainable energy capital of Africa.
The inaugural Global African Hydrogen Summit (GAH2S), scheduled for 3 to 5 September 2024 in Windhoek serves as a pivotal platform for discussing the future of hydrogen energy in Africa.
The summit is organised by DMG events, with local partners Vasco Da Gama Energy and the Namibia Investment Promotion and Development Board as the strategic partners.
Themed “From Ambition to Action: Fuelling Africa’s Green Industrial Revolution”, the summit focuses on the role Africa expects to play in the global hydrogen economy. With heads of government, ministers, policymakers, developers, investors, technologists, industrialists and off-takers converging in Windhoek, the event is an opportune platform to host collaborative discussions to influence policy directives, facilitate public-private dialogue, table real-world solutions, accelerate project financing, and broker deal closure.
The inaugural summit will be headlined by Vice President Dr Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah along with other dignitaries including European Commissioner for Energy Kadri Simson, Angola’s Minister of Mineral Resources, Petroleum and Gas Diamantino Pedro Azevedo, and Belgium’s Minister of Energy Tinne van der Straeten.
Ten Ministerial delegations have been confirmed, while more than 700 conference delegates from over 65 countries across the world are expected to converge in Windhoek for the summit.
In the meantime, the Namibia Investment Promotion and Development Board announced key sponsorships received from the following private and public sector entities towards the hosting of a Namibia pavilion at the event: Capricorn Group (N$200 000), Electricity Control Board (N$150 000), Environmental Investment Fund of Namibia (N$150 000), Namibia Green Hydrogen Programme (N$150 000) and the Ministry of Mines and Energy that has provided complimentary floor space.
Speaking at a media briefing last week, the NIPDB’s Executive Director for Strategy & Branding, Margareth Gustavo, reiterated that the attainment of Namibia’s ambitions of becoming the sustainable energy capital of Africa will require collaboration not only between Namibian entities but also other countries for amongst others offtake, technical expertise or the skills required to develop the green hydrogen industry.
“As an organisation, collaboration is at the core of our operations, particularly when it comes to our mandate of improving the country’s competitiveness as an investment destination and essentially ensuring that Namibia always puts her best foot forward. The support we have received for Namibia’s participation at the Global African Hydrogen Summit is a testament to what we can collectively achieve when we collaborate and work together towards a common goal.”