Beekeeping as alternative income stream

Claudia Reiter
“Beekeeping has gained a lot of importance in Namibia, especially in the Zambezi region, where it is increasingly recognised as a key strategy not only for environmental protection but also as a source of income through the production and sale of honey,” the Community Conservation Fund of Namibia (CCFN) says.
In areas like the Sikanjabuka and Lubuta community forests, CCFN, in collaboration with the Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism (MEFT), is spearheading efforts to promote beekeeping through the POSCCIN (Poverty-Oriented Support to Community Conservation in Namibia) project. The POSCCIN project is funded through the KfW Bank.
As part of the project, grants of approximately N$1.1 million have been awarded to the two community forests to support beekeepers by promoting skills development and learning opportunities for successful beekeeping.
“Beekeeping is vital to our community as it supports sustainable agriculture and boosts the local economy by providing an alternative source of income and livelihood. Honeybees are important pollinators and protecting them is essential to maintaining biodiversity and ecosystem health,” the CCFN said.
“By promoting a strong beekeeping industry, we are not only improving the living conditions of rural communities but also making a significant contribution to preserving our natural environment. This initiative highlights the importance of community involvement in conservation efforts and the sustainable use of natural resources for the benefit of current and future generations.”
The funds were used to purchase beekeeping machinery, including hives, protective equipment, honey extraction tools, and storage and packaging equipment for 34 local beekeepers. In addition, the beekeepers were assisted in attending a four-day educational visit to Livingstone, Zambia, one of the high-quality honey-producing countries in Southern Africa.
The beekeepers were recently trained by experienced local beekeepers in Namibia, some of whom are officials from the MEFT.