Desert horses thrive

Although it may not seem like there is much to eat, there is enough pasture for the animals in the Namib until the winter rains come.
We tend to view their circumstances as harsh and their lives as a "struggle for survival". Yet for them it is the nature of where they find themselves and they make the best of what they have. Not only do they thrive here, they have been doing so for more than a century.
Instead of describing them with sentiments of "the poor horses", perhaps it is time to celebrate the most extraordinary horses on the planet - what's more, they are in one of the most beautiful places on the planet. . . Let's celebrate it!
This according to the Namibia Wild Horses Foundation on a Facebook post of 14 April.
In a post on 8 April, the foundation said: "Thank you Björn Basler for these excellent images of 'mini-Duncan', just a few hours old, from Cinderella. This colt has sire Duncan's markings and solid bone structure.”