Dorob Park ready for holiday season

Iréne-Mari van der Walt
Residents of Henties Bay have worked hard this past month to achieve some of the Save the Dorob project's goals.
A resident of this coastal town, Daleen Agenbag, says that all the roads north of Henties Bay up to the Ugab gate were graded within two days, while 25 name boards to various fishing spots worth about N$200 000 are expected to be unveiled on Saturday.
"While each point needs two signboards, for now we only have one sign at each turnoff," she says.
NMH reported in November that the project needed a grader, and Agenbag said the municipality of Henties Bay and local companies availed their graders.
According to her, the Save the Dorob initiative will continue next year with the hope of demarcating welwitschia plants and lichen fields "so that people can't just drive where they want".
Agenbag estimates the project still needs N$500 000 to realize its goals. – [email protected]