Garden Town's river littered with rubbish

Henriette Lamprecht
Despite eight rubbish bins in the Okahandja River, which is a popular camping spot under the camel thorn trees at weekends for residents and visitors alike, it seems the litterers still have the upper hand.
A resident sent this photo from Okahandja, saying "people tend to pile their rubbish on top of where there is a pile of rubbish!"
For nature lovers, hikers and campers it is a bone of contention.
The resident admits tongue-in-cheek that they knew the rubbish dump was going to move, but didn't think it was to the Okahandja River.
The construction debris (pictured) comes from the old swimming pool and a dilapidated house that was razed in the down and the danger now is that especially children who play on the piles can be injured by broken alcohol bottles and pieces of sharp concrete. – [email protected]