Wild Dog Project needs support
According to the Kalahari African Wild Dog Conservation Project (KAWDCP), Namibia is estimated to be 63% rural and 37% urban.“In the countryside, 94% of households say their main activity is farming. That equates to an enormous number of farmers who depend on the health and welfare of their animals for their survival,” said KAWDCP.
KAWDCP's community animal health support programme gives the project the ability to provide veterinary care to farmers' animals, which not only builds trust and relationships with local farmers, but helps them increase the overall success of their operations .
“However, we need your help more than ever to continue serving farmers and their pets. Due to increased awareness and demand, which means greater reach and growth, we have used up nearly all of our veterinary supplies.”
In light of this, a fundraiser is currently being hosted through Go Fund Me to fund the purchase of medical supplies needed for the continuation of the programme is essential.
The project can be supported by following https://gofund.me/2648db5a