OYO, Spanish embassy present 'A Picassiana'

In commemoration of the 50th anniversary of renowned Spanish artist Pablo Picasso’s death on 8 April 2023, the Embassy of Spain in Windhoek commissioned the Ombetja Yehinga Organisation (OYO) to create a unique dance production, A Picassiana Dance that will be performed on 19 September at the Swakopmund Secondary School free of charge.
“The performance is not a biography of the life of Picasso,” OYO’s Dr Philippe Talavera said. “It is a tribute to his work. We were inspired by several pieces such as 'La vie' or 'famille de saltimbanques' and developed sections from those. Picasso was also the first to use collages and reuse items. So, the dancers are also reusing and transforming objects, creating and then deconstructing the stage as the piece progresses.”
Renowned composer Pondi Dikuua created the soundtrack which features poems and texts written mainly by Picasso, and to be read by Dikuua himself, Gregory Decroocq and Jesus Lasso. The costumes have been created by UNAM fashion designers and alumni Isabella Fernando, Maija-Liisa Nautende, Quin-Leigh Hammond, Laimi Ndapunikwa, Laimi Ndinelao Moses, Monika Shapumba, and Elizabeth Kaulu.
Talavera handled the choreography and the OYO dance company, led by Desmond Kamerika, Mary-Jane Andreas, and Sydney Farao, will perform the work.
The show premiered in the National Theatre last year, and more recently in Lüderitz and Gobabis. It represents Namibia's contribution to these global celebrations, in line with the Spanish and French Governments “Picasso Celebration 1973-2023”.
Pablo Ruiz Picasso (born 25 October 1881 in Spain, died 8 April 1973 in France) is a painter, sculptor, printmaker, ceramicist, and stage designer – one of the greatest and most influential artists of the 20th century. Known worldwide as the creator of cubism, Picasso´s works are easily identifiable from a distance because of his personal and original style.
At the age of 10, he created his first painting and by 15 he entered the School of Fine Arts in Barcelona. During his 75-year career, Picasso created 13 500 paintings and designs, 100 000 prints or engravings, 34 000 book illustrations, and 300 sculptures or ceramics.