A beautifully designed life

As a passionate creative, she firmly believes that a creative life is an inspired life led by your soul.
Henriette Lamprecht
Henriette Lamprecht – As a little girl, she would choose what to wear to pre-school according to what society would deem mismatched colours. Because pink and red don’t go together. Or do they? In third grade, Nelett Loubser won an art competition and finally, those around her would understand why she saw things differently, even if they seemed strange or inappropriate.
She’s defined by her creative outlook, talents, and different view of what others would consider mundane or ordinary, says Nelett, and has always known her future was headed in a creative direction.
Guided by her father’s advice to “go and study something where you can work for yourself and never be dependent on anyone else” - art and self-employment have always been part of her upbringing.
“I grew up in a house that supported talents - even if the skills were not usual, like accounting, engineering, or medical. My creative journey has always been a part of me. It was just a fact of recognizing my talents, cultivating and nourishing my abilities - this is where I am very proud of my family and the home I grew up in.”
Believing we are all created by the Great Creator in His image, means a part of His creator’s abilities is within each of us.
Each of us has a talent in a specific field of interest, she explains. “We have each been born with a desire and skill, it doesn't have to be artistic, but we all have a unique view on a specific topic. Only you can communicate, draw, paint, write, explain, talk, and engineer the way you can.”
People underestimate their abilities to show life as they see it, says Nelett.
As a busy wife, mom, and business owner, she says rest is the answer to how she nurtures her creative side.
No working, answering phones and social media, but rather reading and browsing through magazines.
“I love travelling - driving for extended periods clears my mind. And I love going to the farm!”
She finds inspiration everywhere and anywhere, says Nelett. From magazines, fashion, interior design, Instagram, Pinterest, talking to people, and other peoples’ innovations to travelling and nature.
“Just look around you – as seasons change, the colours of the leaves can be an inspiration for a colour pallet. Life as a whole can inspire.”
One of Nelett’s many projects includes the BraveArt stock image website, which she co-founded with Susan Nel in 2017.
Born out of a need for stock images representing Namibia, the dream is to extend it to the rest of Africa.
“We have world-class photography and design talent on this continent. I want BraveArt to grow into a platform that will give African creatives a space to showcase and sell their work.”
Pretty Curious, her Namibian Magazine Blog she started during the Covid-19 pandemic, is about all things beautiful and creative and originated from Nelett’s appreciation for other people’s talents.
“Some stunningly creative, talented people do innovative and beautiful work, and no one knows about it. I wanted a platform to share what I enjoy.”
As a lover of life as it unfolds and a believer in a stunning God, Nelett describes herself as passionate and creative, a soul-led decision maker, open to new experiences, appreciative of great wine, a bit of a coffee snob, and someone who loves the farm life but also loves Henties Bay in Christmas, and an absolute family person who believes in great friendships.
She loves functional, beautiful items like Land Rover, describing it as aesthetically beautiful and “incredibly wonderful to drive.”
“I love Dolce & Gabbana. I am just in awe of the craftsmanship of the beautiful sparkling beadwork. Also, Apple products which are beautiful to look at and great to design with. For me, functionality is top craftmanship.
Beauty is subjective, says Nelett, and a life of creativity is an inspired life led by your soul.
“Find what makes your soul happy, then you'll have a creative and beautiful life.”
Silence the voices of others, social media, and the news and take time to listen to your soul, says Nelett.
“You design your life. We need to take what life gives us and respond by moving the given circumstances and happenings around until it gives you harmony and balance that works for you. A soul-led life is a beautifully designed life.”
She admits art is expensive, but you pay for something that is part of artists' personalities, passion, and a piece of themselves.
Nelette believes if you follow your passion - whatever it may be - your needs will appear.
“When you're in the flow of your desire and passions, circumstances, opportunities, money, and people will appear in your life to help you move in that direction. Whatever your passion is, follow that, and the opportunities will just open up.” - [email protected]; www.kunshuis.com; www.braveart.com.na; Instagram/Pinterest - PrettyCurious