A life of fulfillment

Searching for a sense of self
Life coaching has given her the confidence to live life on her own terms.
Henriette Lamprecht
Henriette Lamprecht – She seeks to instinctively unite, love, and nurture people back to wholeness and is a strong proponent of a purpose-driven life. Even though there’s a myriad of brokenness in this world, her role is to redirect our minds to the most authentic understanding of ourselves by altering our character, mindset, and behavior, explains certified life coach Violette Mureko.
“A life of fulfillment and wholeness is possible for each and every individual who dares to believe.”
The seed for Violette’s own transformation was planted with a quote: “Everything in your life is a reflection of a choice you have made. If you want a different result, make a different choice.”
She wasn’t happy with her life, nowhere near her desired goals, and had an eight-to-five job “that sucked the life out of me”.
Violette decided to start a journey that dove deeper into understanding herself and the choices that sabotaged her success in life.
“I made new choices that allowed me the opportunity to start honoring myself with wholeness, authenticity, and vulnerability while gradually embracing my fears. It was a hard, painful, and scary process of letting go of a part of who I identified myself to be and committing to this newly affirmed character.”
It wasn’t an overnight process, but a prolonged sojourn that required losing and winning old and new parts of herself that she somehow never knew existed, she admits.
“One moment you’re resisting change because it feels uncomfortable and unfamiliar, the next you embrace change because therein lies the key to your mental emancipation.”
Violette’s journey of self-discovery led to graduating as a life coach and mentor in 2020 - a time when the world was in the suffocating grip of Covid-19.
For her, life coaching is a calling and an act of altruism.
“It has changed the way I perceive myself. It has instilled in me a confidence that comes from a source greater than my being and it has given me the power to plug out mediocrity and limiting beliefs that almost drowned me into nothingness. Now I live an empowered life full of gratitude and peace of mind.”
Her life coaching focus is primarily on three pillars – mind, body, and spirit.
“I focus on creating a space where people realize their limiting beliefs and intentionally carve an actionable plan to improve their current situations by changing their beliefs, behavior, and character.”
We are a product of our previous and past experiences, explains Violette.
If unaltered, we walk around the earth with false beliefs about our true identity and misconceptions of who we are, based on what society believes us to be. We have no sense of the self and are evidently carbon copies of those who speak the loudest in our lives.
“My work as a coach is to navigate oneself to their true North - to unblock the beliefs holding you back and re-program your mind to true wholeness and fulfillment in life.”
As human beings, we were programmed from an early stage to not ask for help and it was coined embarrassing to share life's hardships with others, says Violette.
“Through my work, I have discovered that people have a huge need to open up and share their pain and troubles. I live my life as an example to others in the hope that they too would experience the transformation that is available to all of us through grace.”
She coaches people from a place of love and humility, explains Violette, creating spaces where people can become deliberate about creating the life they desire.
“When we are still and focused on what we can control, life slows down and we hold on to faith as opposed to fear.”
By breaking down our current issue until it becomes “tiny single entities”, we freely reach deep within our souls to find the tools already inside of us to heal and take care of our situation, she says.
“It is a slow process, but as we get closer to our core through understanding ourselves first, and consequently understanding the world outside of us becomes an easier and manageable task. All by faith, persistence, and obedience to our true North.”
The solution firstly lies within the search for self, she explains.
“When inside wisdom is well anchored, the outside has the potency to resolve itself.” She dreams of a life coaching centre and a community that understands that vulnerability and authenticity open us up for growth and that wholeness is vital.
“My goal is to assist clients with self-damaging behaviors and limiting beliefs to achieve wholeness by recognizing, replacing, and readjusting old behaviors with new patterns that boost their self-confidence and enable them to focus on and achieve their goals.”
Violette’s motto that guides her life is to feed the mind, body, and spirit with positivity and faith, then watch it transform your external life in unimaginable ways.
“Don’t try to be perfect, just be an excellent example of being human.”
Life coaching has given her the confidence to live her life on her own terms.
“It has been one scary but amazingly rewarding experience for me. I live life fully. Life coaching has impacted my whole approach to life. I am fearfully and wonderfully made by a Father who cares deeply for my needs and wants, therefore I operate with a strong belief in Him. And life has been manageable while not easy. I am at peace.” - https://youtu.be/7EcFJbOndOg; Facebook: Elevate Edify Life coaching; [email protected]