Catching the 'M-fever'

Being just a girl concerned about people struggling to lose weight, she started with a boot camp - which eventually paved the way for her ever-popular wellness centre.
Henriette Lamprecht
Henriette Lamprecht – In a short period, her name has become synonymous with health, the true embodiment of wellness, and inspiring all in her sphere to catch the M-fever!
A wellness and health coach, personal trainer, author, public speaker, community activist, and creative soul - Meke Namindo wears many hats.
She’s always been active and a sports lover, playing basketball and representing Namibia on several occasions, says Meke.
“I wish I could have been more active than I was, but circumstances don’t always permit physical activities in our communities.”
Meke finds comfort in creating solutions to better the lives of others, and says being a community activist is “so close to my heart!”
She describes her beginnings as “really tough”, now being in a better position to find solutions to make a difference for others, especially with something as critical as the wellbeing of communities.
“I find pleasure in sharing my skills with communities.”
Personal training is something she treasures and the reason she is where she is today, she explains.
“I get such a 'heart' feeling when I train people and literally help them rediscover their physical capabilities. Training people who are obese or with injuries and helping them get to the comfortable stage is so humbling for me.”
Being a public speaker meant she had to overcome a part of herself that used to be super shy of crowds. Now she loves being able to share her skills with people, no matter the size of the crowd.
The funny part of living a very busy life, is that she truly doesn’t realise it as her job is so much fun, says Meke.
“It’s pure love for what I do, nothing else. It’s the smiles I see on people’s faces after every successful intervention. I have to work while I’m still young!
"I also do this to really inspire my fellow Namibians to not be lazy. We have to develop a culture of working.”
She does, however, try to make time for herself - creating selfish moments, taking time-outs and naps throughout the day.
“I cannot be a wellness coach and disappear without my approval. I am a big fan of naps - those five-minute naps are magical!”
For her, self-care is a must: Working out, eating smart, going for spa dates and a good massage, reading, shopping, and gardening.
“I would put the phone away and watch a movie and go for occasional hangouts with friends. We play games. I also make sure I go on holidays.”
Her drive and motto in life is to do everything with love, or nothing at all, says Meke. "Be kind to people and staying humble."
Starting a health journey is not something to take lightly, she emphasizes.
“It’s psychological. It requires patience and understanding. It requires you to first decide for yourself what you want.”
She can give you the best program to go by, but if you are not mentally present, it's all going to be in vain.
“So, decide first. Then make small daily efforts to get out of your comfort zone. So many people are in deep dark holes for various reasons. Start with even just a walk, or come in for outdoor group workouts. Then start adding veggies and fruits to your daily meals.”
But also make time to just be there for yourself, says Meke. Be present for yourself before being present for anybody else.
“If you enjoy a glass of wine (or vodka!), please do that but make sure you detox your liver occasionally. Drink your water. Save money. Don’t neglect your sex and invest in your pleasures. Make time for pampering. Find spiritual comfort; if you are religious or you love to meditate, whatever center of energy you find comfort in - don’t neglect it.”
Meke’s brainchild, Mekenificent Health, has grown by leaps and bounds, bursting at its seams with those embracing a healthy lifestyle, offering from delicious health meals to boot camps and spa dates.
She and her friends still laugh about it, says Meke, as it started as a joke.
Being just a girl concerned about people struggling to lose weight, Meke started a boot camp called Mekenificent Fitness. She later realised something was missing because she would train people, but the results were slow.
After studying sports physiology, she came to understand what she calls the missing link. After doing a lot of research and experiments, she finally started to see results.
Meke introduced Mekenificent Meals, catering 90% healthier, tastier meals, with the concept scooping up awards and transforming many people.
With the opening of the Mekenificent Centre in Klein Windhoek, the idea was to create a platform for people to find peace, explains Meke. An escape in a safe space and haven, with no judgements where people can just “let loose”. A space for adults and kids to come and play.
“It’s pretty sweet when I see adults play and laugh. It’s like I bring back the kids in them they've neglected for years!”
There is always something happening at Mekenificent - the positive vibes from the centre spilling through the windows and doors and over the fence to those just passing by.
“That’s exactly how I want it to be. I’m still busy putting it together the way it should be, but I finance myself, so my processes are sometimes slow.
That positive vibe is so genuine and my plan is for everyone to catch the M-fever - men, women, and children, we all can do with the positive vibes!”
Meke planned to create a platform where parents and guardians can find peace and children can be in a safe environment to play, now also offering chess and robotics, as well as lessons in Oshiwambo for children and adults.
“Kids learn and are cared for while mom and dad relax - either in the spa or out doing errands. I’m not so much about one gender, I believe both men and women need safe havens and we work with everyone.”
It is mostly women who use their services, says Meke, and of course sporty men. Then, of course, there are the healthy meal options, freshly squeezed juices, as well as family or corporate breakfasts and dinners.
Sharing her dreams and goals for the future, Meke hopes to open Mekenificent branches in other towns apart from Windhoek, spreading the M-vibes further.
“I also want to do more research and experiment with nutrition to offer practical solutions to communities to improve nutrition balance.”
She hopes to leave a legacy as someone who gave hope to Namibia’s dreamers that anything is possible if you put your mind to it.
“I would like to be remembered as a hardworking person who built a big brand from the ground up without any privileges. Self-driven, my own journey inspires me!” – [email protected],