Walking towards the new

Transformation and enlightenment
Move counterclockwise to leave behind the old, and exit clockwise to invite in the new.
Henriette Lamprecht
Henriette Lamprecht – Build a heart-shaped labyrinth, the oldest praying concept, because humanity has forgotten what it means to connect with themselves, the energies of love towards one another, and the earth.
This was the calling Antje Jaeger, a spiritual heart coach and channel medium, received just before Covid-19 became a reality.
She did not have any interest in it beforehand and wasn't really familiar with it, says Antje.
She started doing research on the internet and also turned to the World Labyrinth Association, who couldn’t be of much help because of the scale of the shape she wanted to build. “You are so well connected, just trust your heart,” was their answer.
Antje contacted her dear friend, Heidi Dassac, about possibly building the labyrinth on her farm.
In the following weeks, she and her husband spent hours researching and drawing different heart-shaped patterns on paper.
“When we arrived at the farm, I intuitively chose the same spot that was already chosen for where the labyrinth would be.”
An area of approximately 50 metres was debushed, and a fence shifted.
Antje shared her vision with her circle of friends. Together, they started to plan when and - of course - with what the labyrinth was to be built.
It took them two days, using limestone and the trunks of dead camel thorn trees, to complete the labyrinth - 47 m x 36 m in size.
These were days like no other, says Antje, filled with harmony, laughter, respect, and fun - all united to make the vision a reality.
“In the beginning, we did not build it with any expectations on what to integrate. Only at the end did we realize it was a two-sided, heart-shaped labyrinth that included the seven chakras. We also built a flower of life adjacent to it.”
The labyrinth invites you to "walk counterclockwise to leave behind the old, and exit clockwise to invite in the new".
“A labyrinth enlightens and heals the people who walk it. Our aim is to get more people to realize what an amazing transformation and enlightenment a labyrinth can have on the individual. It can also be used to let go of the old and invite in the new.”
With the labyrinth being located on private property, it is not open to the public and can only be entered by members and facilitators of the retreats Antje offers, called Place of Hearts.
“A visit can be arranged but only upon reservation with me.”
The labyrinth was completed at the end of May 2021, with the first workshop held just after winter in August of the same year.
“We offer a variety of small workshops, and the highlight is always the labyrinth. It's rustic farm living, not high-end lodging, and affordable for everyone.” - [email protected]