Voter registration kicks off

Brigitte Weidlich
The Electoral Commission of Namibia (ECN) is creating a new voters' roll and as a result all Namibians eligible to vote must register again as from today.
The roll needs to be updated every ten years since the old voters' cards expire.
According to the ECN, voters must register in the constituencies in which they live. All voters must register by 1 August, including young people who are 18 years old or will turn 18 by August 1st.
To register, you must present either your valid Namibian passport or your identity card. The old, yellow SWA ID card can also be used. Those born outside Namibia must also present proof of being a Namibian citizen.
You can also present your Namibian birth certificate and the newer Namibian driver's licence. Only original documents are acceptable for identification purposes and copies of documents will not be accepted.
The registration offices are open nationwide from 08:00 to 17:00 from Monday to Saturday, including all 35 Namibian diplomatic missions abroad.
The ECN has set up 4 297 registration branches in all 14 regions, 121 constituencies and 35 Namibian diplomatic missions abroad. A total of 567 registration teams have been deployed.
You can find out where the individual registration points are on the electoral commission's website at or in the NMH chatbot. Simply save the number 264 85 785 6231 in your mobile phone and send a WhatsApp #elections to this number. Then follow the chatbot's instructions.