Become a stem cell donor and help save lives

Find your match!
Gerine Hoff
Help save lives by becoming a stem cell donor!
Every year, countless individuals suffering from leukaemia, blood diseases, and immune disorders desperately require a bone marrow transplant to survive. While some patients are fortunate enough to find a compatible donor within their family, the majority rely on the generosity of strangers with the exact tissue type.
The odds of finding a matching donor are incredibly slim, with thousands of tissue types available. The chances of finding a suitable match are just 1 in 100 000. Additionally, some patients have unique tissue types that further decrease their likelihood of finding a donor. To address this issue, the Cancer Association of Namibia and the South African Bone Marrow Registry (SABMR) are seeking more donors.
Bone marrow is responsible for producing blood cells, which are crucial for a person's immune system, oxygen transportation, infection-fighting, and prevention of bleeding. Through a bone marrow transplant, a patient's diseased bone marrow is replaced with healthy stem cells, enabling them to produce healthy blood. However, this can only occur if a compatible donor with the same tissue type is found among the thousands available.
Urgent need
Despite the existence of over 40 million registered donors worldwide, many critically ill patients do not find suitable donors in time and do not survive. This emphasizes the urgent need for continuous recruitment of donors to give every patient an equal chance of finding a match.
You could be the miracle donor someone is waiting for right now! To register for screening and become a donor, visit the SABMR website, click on the "Namibia" drop-down tab in the online form here and submit your application. The SABMR will then reach out to you to guide you through the process of making a positive impact on lives.
The SABMR is dedicated to expanding its donor database both in terms of numbers and ethnic diversity. However, potential donors must meet specific age and health criteria. Applicants aged between 16 and 45 are eligible to apply. If you are under 18, consult your immediate family and contact the Cancer Association of Namibia for further information before submitting your application.
Upon successful application, the SABMR will provide a cheek swab (Buccal swab) free of charge either through courier service or by scheduling an appointment at one of their partner locations, all under the guidance of the Cancer Association of Namibia.
By completing the application, you also opt-in to receive follow-up calls and emails to assist you throughout the entire application process. Join the cause, become a stem cell donor, and help save lives today!