Dentistry students on duty

Simon Namesho
Fourth and final-year students doing their Bachelor’s degree in Dental Surgery at the University of Namibia (UNAM) have since March been conducting their practising in the new state-of-the-art dental clinic at the Hage Geingob Campus.
The year module, Clinical Practice, is carried out by seeing actual patients, with real-life cases under supervision by dental specialists.
Dr Frank Schwardmann, the Head of Department for Restorative, Dentistry, and Prosthodontics in the School of Dentistry, said that this development began in the middle of the first semester. “Practical education and treating patients are an essential part of dental training. Here we orientate the curriculum to international standards that require dentists in training, during their studies, more than in other subjects, to carry out patient treatments under our supervision.”
After acquiring the necessary and modern equipment, the School of Dentistry started offering dental services on campus in an effort and in compliance with the University to fulfil students’ dental training, and in a way, meeting its community outreach commitments.
Selected patients with certain cases are referred to the dental clinic from the local hospitals.
“Patients would go to the Katutura hospital, as they normally would, and there they are pre-selected and sent over to Hage Geingob Campus for restorative, periodontal, or prosthodontic procedures,” Schwardmann said.
The dentistry students are getting more and more involved, as they confidently show up to the suites and meet up with their patients, in the process, learning customer care, professionalism, and hands-on experience.
Putting theory into practice
A final-year dentistry student, Olivia Shikongo, said: “It is nice finally putting the theory from class into practice. We’re getting a better understanding of what we have learned.”
Faustina Namatshana, also a final-year dentistry student, said: “The new developments have been a great experience so far. Now, we are working in our own space, with the latest equipment and materials which enable us to see more patients and be exposed to more variant real-life cases.”
Padelia Shihungileni, a UNAM Industrial Psychology graduate, and among the first patients to be treated at the Dental Clinic, said this service arrangement by the University is magnificent. “I went to a local hospital three times and I was never treated because the hospital does not work on an appointment basis and they only take ten people per day. So, when I go there at 8 AM, it is always too late for me,” Shihungileni said.
“I recently learned that the UNAM Dental Clinic was open, secured an appointment, and was treated in no time. I think it is a win-win situation. The students get to do their needed practice, under specialist supervision I observed – and me, I got a quick appointment.”
Overall the service provided by the students is phenomenal, as Shihungileni stresses. “I came here on a Wednesday with tooth decay. They did a filling and then told me to come back on Friday for cleaning. Everything was on point and efficient.”
For now, patients are referred to the UNAM Dental Clinic from only the Katutura State Hospital.
* Original report by 3rd-year media student Suama Shingenge.