Invitation to persons with rare diseases

The Namibia Alliance for Rare Diseases (NARD) is reaching out to all individuals and groups affected by rare diseases in Namibia, urging them to connect with the alliance to work together for a better future.
Established in 2020, NARD is a collaborative effort between the Cancer Association of Namibia (CAN), Multiple Sclerosis Namibia and the Okanti Foundation. With a focus on addressing the challenges faced by smaller patient organisations of rare diseases, NARD aims to give a voice and platform to those often overlooked. NARD believes that by joining forces and working collectively, a significant impact can be made in improving the health options available to individuals affected by rare diseases in Namibia.
“Through enhanced care, support, awareness, and advocacy, the rare disease community can be uplifted and empowered,” explained Bianca Özcan of Multiple Sclerosis Namibia.
Namibians afflicted by a rare disease are invited to reach out to NARD and get involved in this important movement.
“Whether as an individual, a group, or an organisation, connecting with NARD is an opportunity to share insights, exchange ideas, and collaborate on initiatives that will benefit the rare disease community in Namibia,” CAN’s Rolf Hansen, added.
To connect with NARD, send an email to [email protected] or call Bianca at 081 142 3543. The team at NARD is looking forward to establishing connections, fostering collaborations, and working towards a positive impact in the lives of those affected by rare diseases.