Majority of Namibians in favour of sex education at school

Just under two-thirds of respondents (65%) say women should be imprisoned if they choose to terminate a pregnancy.
Iréne-Mari van der Walt
A new Afrobarometer survey shows that the overwhelming majority of Namibians (83%) believe that sex education should be offered in schools. Furthermore, just under two-thirds of the survey's respondents (65%) said they believe women should be jailed if they chose to terminate a pregnancy.
Afrobarometer surveys are conducted among sample groups of 1 200 people over the age of 18 who represent the demographics of a country. In Namibia, the sample group is provided by the Namibia Statistics Agency (NSA). This test method offers 95% confidence within three percentage points.
In the latest report on public opinion regarding sex education, abortion and contraception, just under three quarters of the trial group (74%) believe that contraceptives should be made available to everyone who is sexually active, regardless of age. The survey shows that it is mostly women and young people who have this view.
In the survey, 77% of respondents said that they believe contraceptives should be available to any person, regardless of their marital status.
Around 85% responded that they believed that girls should still be allowed to complete their schooling if they become pregnant during their school years. More than 80% of respondents agree that women should decide how many children they want and when. More educated respondents, women and young people, are more likely to share this view.
Just under three quarters (72%) answered that an abortion is "sometimes" or "always" justified if the mother's health is at risk. About 60% said an abortion is justified if the pregnancy is the result of rape or incest. Just over half (52%) answered that an abortion is justified in cases where economic conditions would make it difficult for the mother to look after the child.
Christie Keulder of Survey Warehouse, Afrobarometer's partner in Namibia, said during the launch of the information that more information related to the tolerance of various sexuality groups and which results from the survey will also be released. - [email protected]