No confirmed mpox cases

Ministry assures public that Namibia is adequately prepared should the need arrise
Claudia Reiter
The Ministry of Health and Social Services is awaiting the laboratory results of three suspected cases of mpox (previously monkeypox).
In a media statement, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Health and Social Services (MoHSS) Ben Nangombe said that 18 patients with mpox symptoms were tested in private and government facilities. Fifteen have received a negative result and the three others are still awaiting their results.
“It is important to note that all persons tested for mpox are considered suspected cases until laboratory confirmation is received,” Nangombe said.
If the laboratory results are negative, the patient in question will continue to be monitored and tested for other diseases if necessary.
In the meantime no confirmed case of mpox has been registered in Namibia.
Furthermore, the MoHSS gave the assurance that Namibia is adequately prepared to respond to public health emergencies and disease outbreaks such as mpox.
As for isolation facilities, 25 of the 36 hospitals across the country have readily available isolation facilities to receive patients suspected of having infectious diseases. “Our facilities are therefore capable of receiving suspected or confirmed mpox cases that meet the criteria for hospital admission. In addition, we are in the process of repurposing the isolation facilities in 11 hospitals to receive mpox cases should the need arise, as some of the isolation facilities established in response to the Covid-19 pandemic have been repurposed to provide other health services,” Nangombe said.