Droë krane frustreer inwoners

Aurelia Afrikaner
The ongoing water crisis and interruptions on Okahandja are the result of a valve that was recently installed by NamWater.
This was the response of the municipality's chief executive Alphons Tjitombo.
"The build-up of water is slow, something that is also caused by the valve. This is why Veddersdal always gets the last water," Tjitombo explained.
NamWater's head of public relations and corporate communications Lot Ndamanomhata, for his part, explained that the primary cause of the interruptions is the renovation of the 15 000m³ ground reservoir which has been out of action since April 2024.
"This renovation work is essential to ensure the long-term reliability of the water supply system. Although this led to temporary inconvenience, it is essential for the sustainability of the infrastructure for water supply," Ndamanomhata explained.
"Recent interruptions of water supply have been exacerbated by pipes within the town's own network system which is separate from NamWater's infrastructure," he said. According to him, NamWater is working closely with the Okahandja Municipality to solve the problems with burst pipes.
Support pump
Looking to the future, Tjitombo assured residents that steps are being taken to resolve the situation. “We are working on putting up a support pump to improve and boost the water supply. The process has started and the bidding process is open for consultations after which a contractor will be appointed," he said.
Water supply that is on one day and off the next leaves many households struggling with the most basic needs. Notifications that taps are going to be dry also often come too late, leaving too little time to make the necessary preparations.
A frustrated resident of Veddersdal, who prefers to remain nameless, described the situation as worse than what was experienced in the past.
"When I come home from work, my house looks like a hurricane hit it because the laundry couldn't be washed. On weekends you can sleep late, but now I have to get up early to make sure there is water. I also have to finish my household chores early, because you never know when the water will turn off again," she said.
However, it is not just households that are negatively affected. Last week, pupils were sent home because schools did not have water, something that is apparently increasingly happening and has a serious impact on children's education. - [email protected]