Traffic lights for B1 in Rehoboth

Claudia Reiter
The Rehoboth Town Council announced the start of the first phase of installing traffic lights at the intersection of B1 and Bahnhof Street.
The project, which is being managed by Donny Investments CC, is one of the capital projects envisaged by the Town Council for the 2024/25 fiscal year.
As acting chief executive, Ronald Windswaai explained, the project is designed to ensure an orderly flow of traffic on the busy B1 and provide pedestrians and vehicles with the opportunity to cross the intersection more safely, while reducing accidents between vehicles entering the intersection from opposite directions.
“We are also preparing for an increase in traffic volume due to the expected changes and new projects in the town and are doing everything possible and feasible to meet the expected demand,” he explained.
Windswaai advised road users that the lights may flicker occasionally during the project’s commissioning, but the intersection should be treated as normal.
The project is expected to be completed by 5 July 2024.