How expensive is Windhoek compared to SA?

Cost of living compared
Numbeo is a crowd-sourced global database of quality-of-life data that looks at housing indicators, perceived crime rates, healthcare quality, transport quality, and other statistics.
Ellanie Smit
The Numbeo Cost of Living Index this year ranked Windhoek as the 13th most expensive city to live in Africa.
The five most expensive African cities, according to the index, are Addis Ababa in Ethiopia, Harare in Zimbabwe and Johannesburg, Cape Town and Pretoria in South Africa.
African cities where the cost of living is cheaper than in Windhoek are Egypt in Cairo, Accra in Ghana, Alexandria in Egypt, Kigali in Rwanda, Nairobi in Kenya and Lagos in Nigeria.
Namibian Sun compared Windhoek with South African cities Johannesburg, Pretoria and Cape Town on the Numbeo Index to indicate the cost-of-living differences.
The index looks at the relative cost of various categories including rent, groceries, restaurants and local purchasing power.
According to the study, you would need at least N$46 000 in Johannesburg to maintain the same standard of living you can have for N$41 229 in Windhoek, assuming you rent accommodation.
In Pretoria, you would need N$44 000 to maintain the same standard of life, while in Cape Town, it will cost you N$50 000.
Rent and utilities
The survey said rent for a one-bedroom apartment in the Windhoek CBD costs about N$6 754 and about N$4 753 in the suburbs.
In Johannesburg, it will cost N$7 422 to rent a one-bedroom in the CBD and N$5 991 in the suburbs, while in Pretoria, it costs N$7 000 and N$6 005 respectively, and N$12 089 and N$7 951 respectively in Cape Town.
Besides rent, the monthly cost of utilities in Windhoek for an 85-square-metre apartment can cost N$1 329. In Johannesburg, utilities can cost N$2 302 for the same size apartment, while in Pretoria and Cape Town, you can expect to pay N$1 958 and N$1 601 respectively.
Transport and childcare
Buying a new Volkswagen Golf or an equivalent car would cost about N$350 000 in Johannesburg, N$336 000 in Pretoria and N$339 100 in Cape Town, while it costs N$205 500 in Windhoek.
Meanwhile, monthly private preschool or kindergarten for one child in Windhoek will amount to about N$2 740, while in Johannesburg, it can cost up to N$4 244. In Pretoria and Cape Town, it will cost you N$3 883 and N$3 357 respectively a month.
Eating a three-course meal at a mid-range restaurant for two people can cost about N$750 in Windhoek, with an average bottle of wine costing N$90.
In Johannesburg, the same kind of meal will cost you about N$700 and N$100 for the wine, while in Pretoria it is N$600 for the meal and N$90 for the wine. In Cape Town, you can expect to pay N$700 and N$85 respectively for food and wine when dining out.
In Windhoek, local beer is much cheaper than in Johannesburg, Pretoria and Cape Town.
A 500 ml draught costs N$30 in Windhoek, while in the three South African cities, it costs between N$36.50 and N$42.
A plain loaf of white bread costs about N$14 in Windhoek, while in Johannesburg it costs N$17.57, N$14.30 in Pretoria and N$17.01 in Cape Town.
However, products such as milk, fruits and vegetables are much more expensive in Windhoek.