Vintage Bentleys hit the road

Frank Steffen
Robert Wilkinson and his friend John Waltan have been driving their vintage Bentleys (built in 1926) around the world for years. A trip around the world almost worked out, but came to a halt because of the Russia-Ukraine war. Still, they have travelled to almost every continent often with Wilkinson's 28-year-old daughter, Olivia, accompanying them. After they shipped their three vehicles – a 8 litre Bentley, a 4.5 litre Bentley and a 6.5 litre Bentley – from England to Cape Town, they left for Namibia more than a month ago, driving along the gravel roads to Sesriem and then on to the coast. Soon the journey will continue to Victoria Falls and further through Africa. They have just returned from a short holiday in England and are now preparing the vehicles for the next stage. The three vehicles were on display in the Old Wheeler Club Museum. Photos Frank Steffen