Cargo bikes to ease waste collection

Claudia Reiter
The City of Windhoek (CoW), with support from the European Union (EU), has donated six cargo bicycles to SME operators.
The bikes will be used throughout the city to collect waste for recycling and the production of necklaces, shoes and clothing. The initiative aims to improve the management of waste. In addition to the cargo bikes, the six beneficiary entrepreneurs will receive financial support for twelve months.
“This partnership not only produces tangible results, but also reflects the optimism in our shared commitment to transform foreign trade into something useful and sustainable, while improving global waste management capacities. Today's event is another milestone to demonstrate our strong commitment to the UN 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals,” U Ambassador to Namibia Ana Beatriz Martins said at the handing over.
On behalf of the beneficiaries, Vejama Ndjiharine expressed her gratitude for the support. “We are honoured to accept this generous funding from the City of Windhoek under the EU funded "Improving Solid Waste Management in Ventures" project. We applied for the programme under the Economic Startup Initiative which was announced in July.”
The donation is part of a collaboration between the cities of Windhoek and Bremen in Germany to improve waste management in their cities.