The UK’s new PM in quotes

* Liz Truss is a political chameleon who has gone from a radical who called for the abolition of the monarchy to a flag-bearer of the Euroskeptic right wing of the Conservative Party. – CNN
* Grassroots Tory supporters of Liz Truss see in her the steadfast, tenacious and determined qualities they admired in Margaret Thatcher - an image Ms Truss herself has tried to cultivate. – BBC
* While unpopular in Moscow, Truss is also not big in Brussels. She’s seen as an agitator, an anti-Europe opportunist who could make matters even worse in the rocky relationship between Britain and the 27-nation bloc. – Washington Post
* In her early years in Whirehall, Liz Truss was known to civil servants as “the human hand grenade”, a nickname for her that Boris Johnson has since adopted. – The Guardian
* Dubbed the ‘true blue’ candidate, Truss sits firmly on the right wing of the party, and is known for being one of Boris Johnson's most staunch supporters, defending him right up until the end. Seen by her fans as a Margaret Thatcher 2.0, she is as un-establishment as the Iron Lady, having grown up with Labour parents (a nurse and a teacher) up north, she first flirted with the Liberal Democrats before converting to Conservatism while at Merton College, Oxford, studying politics, philosophy and economics. - Tatler