AI superpowers: Saudi Arabia

While the United States and China are the main players in artificial intelligence (AI), Saudi Arabia is also making big moves in this field.
Saudi Arabia wants to move away from relying on oil by developing tourism, sports and technology. It is building data centres, developing AI chips and encouraging international tech companies and AI start-ups.

Saudi Arabia has created a US$100 billion fund for AI and technology as part of its Vision 2030 plan. Rumour has it that Amazon wants to invest US$5.3 billion in the Middle Eastern country.
The Saudi government is talking with Andreessen Horowitz about a US$40 billion investment in AI.

Last year, the Garage opened in Riyadh, the biggest start-up space in the Middle East. The GAIA project aims to support AI start-ups, giving each one up to US$140 000 if they work in the capital.
King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) is becoming a major AI research centre, building a new supercomputer and negotiating a US$100 million deal with Nvidia.

Future plans
Saudi Arabia aims to be a world leader in AI by 2030, with new smart cities like Neom along the Red Sea.