Andrada embarks on expansion project

Ogone Tlhage
Tin miner Andrada is implementing a production expansion project at the existing tin processing plant to 2 600 tonnes per annum in line with the Orion tin royalty requirements.
The production expansion will be facilitated through the installation of a pre-concentration circuit that incorporates ore sorters.
Company CEO Andre Viljoen said the company is on track to meet its strategic goals.
“It pleases me that the strategic operational initiatives that we embarked on have been successful and yielded the further double-digit percentage increases in production tonnage at our operations that we are presenting today,” Viljoen said.
Strategic partnerships
The company is also in the process of identifying a partner for its lithium developments. Since the launch of the strategic process to identify an appropriate partner for the lithium development, leading international organisations within the lithium value chain have visited the company's assets in Namibia, conducted mineralogical test work, and implemented detailed due diligence.
The company was also able to narrow down the various non-binding indicative offers that have been received to date, and discussions are ongoing with the objective of progressing to final binding bids.
Andrada "is encouraged by the keen interest that has been shown and will work expeditiously to make a value-accretive decision for its shareholders," it said.