Capricorn Foundation commits N$750K to Imago

CSR implementation partner
Hope for Life Foundation, Burgershoek Children Community Project, Grace Welfare Project, Namibia Christian Women Aid Society and Family of Hope Services are some of the projects funded by Capricorn.
Staff Reporter
The Capricorn Foundation committed N$750 000 to their corporate social responsibility (CSR) implementation partner, Imago Dei, a welfare organisation that assists the Foundation in identifying, mobilising and channelling resources to vulnerable communities.
Some of the projects funded by the Capricorn Foundation through Imago Dei include Hope for Life Foundation, Burgershoek Children Community Project, Grace Welfare Project, Namibia Christian Women Aid Society and Family of Hope Services.
The Capricorn Foundation and Imago Dei visited two of the beneficiaries it supports. The Family of Hope Services operates as a pre-primary school, kindergarten, and afternoon care centre for 145 school-going children aged 3-17, providing daily meals. They also support 255 children who visit on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays for lunch as part of the community feeding program. Their programs aim to bring socio-economic stability to the Havana community's children, youth, and families. Activities include remedial school, afterschool programs, food and nutrition with a garden, and psychosocial support. Registered as a welfare organisation (WO295) since 2003, they reach approximately 400 children daily. The centre empowers marginalised and abused children, breaking the cycle of poverty and fostering resilience, hope, joy, and dignity within the community's youth.
“We are grateful for the Capricorn Foundation’s support to these vulnerable children. Imago Dei has had a longstanding relationship with Family of Hope Services since 2009, and we know that the project impacts the lives of the children who benefit from their services. Imago Dei, through the Capricorn Foundation, provides funding for the purchases of food items and gas bottle refills for the projet’s food and nutrition programme,” said Millinda Coffee, Imago Dei Welfare and Poverty Relief Association Project Coordinator.
Another beneficiary, The Hope for Life Foundation, is a registered non-profit Welfare Organisation (WO 481) in Namibia, which delivers sensitive and valuable work addressing prevalent societal issues. Their primary focus is providing counselling, support, and training to individuals facing unplanned pregnancies. They have expanded their services to include temporary care for babies awaiting adoption and operate a registered place of safety for babies. The Hope for Life Foundation helps register babies at the nearest ante-natal clinic, compassionate counselling, information on pregnancy options, and provision of toiletries and clothing for mothers and babies. They also provide business starter packs and mentoring for motivated individuals seeking to improve their lives. The project currently receives funding from Imago Dei, facilitated through the Capricorn Foundation, which covers the salary of a half-day social worker.
“The Capricorn Foundation is thankful for our partnership with Imago Dei, who helps us reach those in dire need. The funds we commit to the beneficiaries are specifically allocated as part of the Capricorn Foundation’s aim to assist vulnerable communities. The Capricorn Foundation is dedicated to making a positive impact in the Namibian community and to those who deserve the financial assistance the most,” said Marlize Horn, Capricorn Foundation Executive Officer.