How Meditation Can Help Generalized Anxiety Disorder

If you live with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), meditation can also help to reduce worrying thoughts and bring about a feeling of balance, calm, and focus.
Henriette Lamprecht
If you live with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), meditation can also help to reduce worrying thoughts and bring about a feeling of balance, calm, and focus.

The concepts of meditation and mindfulness are very similar. While meditation typically involves trying to enter a different state of consciousness, mindfulness means becoming aware of the present moment. In this way, you might think of mindfulness as one step on the path toward meditation. Both of these practices may be helpful for reducing anxiety because they enable you to reduce worry and be aware without being fearful.

Meditation used in the treatment of anxiety disorders typically takes the form of mindfulness-based meditation. This type of meditation has its roots in the mindfulness movement started by Jon Kabat-Zinn, founder of the mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) approach.

The basic premise of the mindfulness-based stress reduction approach is to learn to detach from anxious thoughts. This is achieved by practicing awareness, identifying tension in the body, understanding your thinking patterns, and learning how to deal with difficult emotions.

Research support for the benefits of meditation for generalized anxiety disorder has been positive. A 2013 randomized controlled trial was conducted with 93 individuals with DSM-IV diagnosed GAD comparing an 8-week manualized mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) group program with an attention control (stress management education, or SME).

MBSR was associated with significantly greater reductions in anxiety for three of the four study measures. Participants also showed a greater increase in positive self-statements. Additionally, a 2012 meta-analysis indicated strong support for mindfulness meditation for anxiety.

If you're living with generalized anxiety, practicing daily meditation may help you to overcome anxiety and reduce tension in your body. The key to learning to practice meditation is to accept the world around you from a place of curious observation. If you've ever taken a yoga class, you are already well on your way to practicing meditation. Follow these simple steps to get started with meditation today.

GAD primarily involves unrelenting worry. With meditation, you can learn to accept those worries without letting them upset you, which is likely to diminish your stress.

What If I Can't Meditate?
There are many reasons why you might find it hard to meditate or be mindful. You might have trouble observing without judging or you may feel impatient or as though there is "too much to do" to be sitting around breathing. Some people have trouble doing nothing, as they are used to always being on the go. Other times, you might find that you can't stop the negative thoughts from intruding as you try to relax. Source:
Did you know?
Meditation, in its simplest terms, refers to learning how to pay attention.
Health tip
Recognize that the process takes time.
Health precaution tip
Make time even when you're busy.

Steps for Mindfulness Meditation
• Sit upright in a chair and place your feet flat on the floor.
• Begin paying attention to your breath. Don't try to change how you are breathing; simply observe your body as you inhale and exhale.
• You might feel compelled to shift your focus elsewhere. Resist this urge and continue to focus on your breathing.
• Anxious thoughts may pass through your mind. Acknowledge them, but then bring yourself back to awareness of your breathing.
• Continue this quiet, nonjudgmental observation for about 10 minutes.
• Open your eyes and notice how you feel. Don't evaluate, just observe.