'Paper, snow, ghost!'

Gerine Hoff
If the heading makes no sense to you, what do you think '15 Yemen Road Yemen', 'Way no way', 'Ugly Naked Guy' and 'Princess Consuela Banana Hammock' have in common?
Perhaps the 'I Hate Rachel Green Club' will make things clear?
Still not sure?
Well, then you would not have fit in at the Friends quiz night hosted by The Wolfshack last week.
Fans of the popular show from across the city joined in the fun to see who knows their favourite show best.
The night included easy questions like 'What hangs behind Monica's apartment door?', and more complicated ones like 'What was the name of the 3D sculpture Phoebe created?'
Battling it out over five rounds, along with a couple of sudden death rounds, the night saw the winning team go home with some great goodies!
Along with food and drinks, a competitive yet fun atmosphere was the order of the night.
Wolfshack hosts quiz nights often, so if you want to test your general knowledge on a specific sitcom, check out their Facebook page for details.