SA to temporarily close Ramatlabama border for simulation exercise

South Africa will host a cross-border road incident simulation on 27 June at the Ramatlabama border post.
The simulation forms part of the efforts of the Trans Kalahari Corridor Management Committee (TKCMC) to forge strategic partnerships between the public and private sectors of member states. Article 1.5 of the Memorandum of Understanding on the Development and Management of the Trans Kalahari
The corridor directs the contracting parties to develop strategic partnerships between the public and private sectors.
The strategic partnerships are to secure the implementation of the MoU to establish effective and efficient coordinating mechanisms between government departments, ministries and relevant stakeholders of the TKCMC. One of the strategic partnerships identified by TKCMC that needs to be forged is road incident management. South Africa’s Road Incident Management System (RIMS) was recognised as an effective and efficient system for TKCMC to adopt.

Emergency responses
The TKCMC is currently in the process of developing a standard that may be adopted by the contracting parties to forge incident management strategic partnerships with government and emergency response entities on the TKC. The purpose of the standard will be to ensure that in the event of an accident involving dangerous goods vehicles occurring either side of the border, available emergency services from either side of the border may immediately respond to the incident and render all necessary services to alleviate the situation.
It is against this background that a comprehensive cross-border road and rail incident management simulation exercise will be conducted at the border post.
This innovative exercise is set to emphasise regional cooperation and the integration of road and rail emergency response capabilities. The event will replicate an accident scenario involving dangerous goods vehicles and rail transport, testing the responsiveness and coordination of emergency services from South Africa and Botswana.