Yango ride-hailing app drives financial freedom

Augetto Graig
Yango Namibia, a growing online ride-hailing platform, is making waves in Windhoek as a sustainable and reliable business for its partner drivers, who are experiencing financial freedom, the company says.
Some of the partner drivers on the application (app) explain that Yango now presents added benefits, such as the bonus goals initiative, which rewards drivers for completing specific trip targets, further complementing their income.

Freedom and flexibility
Gerhard Naigwendje, a partner driver from Precious Faith, and Cornelius Severus from Modern Tours and Travels are among the drivers who have been empowered and have described the app as sustainable. Naigwendje is a dedicated driver who vividly recalls the turning point when he was introduced to the app by a friend during a time when he was faced with financial challenges.
"Prior to becoming a driver on the Yango App, meeting daily necessities was an uphill battle, but since signing up to the app, I am able to provide for my family as well as venture into a small business," Naigwendje said. He thanked Yango for the navigation features, which have proven invaluable even when customers provide unclear destinations.

Bright future
Cornelius Severus is a full-time partner driver on the Yango App who also credits a friend's recommendation and social media posts for inspiring him to try Yango.
Severus said after an informative discussion with a Yango agent on how the platform operates and how he could become a partner driver, he took the leap and has never looked back.
"The positive impact of Yango has been profound. My livelihood has been transformed. I am now able to take care of my family and invest in personal projects. Unlike my previous period as a taxi driver, I now enjoy greater financial stability and have ventured into farming, a passion I previously could not pursue," Severus said, according to Yango.
He said he earns about N$7 000 monthly, sometimes making up to N$1 400 per day from approximately 35 rides.
Severus firmly believes that many complaints arising from misconceptions about the app could be mitigated through education and timely ride requests from clients, says Yango.
Yango Namibia is a leading ride-hailing platform that connects riders with drivers, creating a seamless and reliable transportation experience. Yango is committed to empowering its drivers and contributing positively to the local community, according to the company.