More than just an itch

A recently published review finds a significant link between hay fever and a raised risk of anxiety and depression in adolescents.
Henriette Lamprecht
Henriette Lamprecht
Allergies, although they are often considered fairly minor ailments, can significantly impact the lives of those who live with them.
Roughly 10% to 30% of the global population have hay fever, which is also called allergic rhinitis. And, in 2010, 11,1 million doctors’ visits ended in a diagnosis of allergic rhinitis.
The most common symptoms, as many people will know first-hand, include a runny nose, itchy and watery eyes, sneezes and coughs, and fatigue.
Although incredibly uncomfortable, a recent review digs a little deeper, finding links between hay fever and certain psychological issues in adolescents.
This age group was of particular interest to the authors because they are a distinct and sometimes forgotten demographic; warning that “we should not assume adolescents are either big children or small adults”.

Hay fever and quality of life
The review, published in the journal Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology, examined 25 previously published studies. The scientists were particularly interested in how hay fever impacts adolescents’ quality of life. This includes emotional impact, disturbed sleep, and any interference with their schooling.
It quickly became clear that hay fever’s influence runs deeper than an itchy nose.
“The emotional burden of hay fever can be huge for adolescents,” says lead study author Dr. Michael Blaiss.
Three of the studies in the review examined how adolescents are emotionally affected by hay fever as well as hay fever with eye allergies (allergic rhinoconjunctivitis).
It found adolescents with hay fever had higher rates of anxiety and depression, and a lower resistance to stress. They also exhibited more hostility, impulsivity, and changed their minds often.
“Adolescents, it seems, are affected differently by hay fever than children or adults. Part of this is due to issues surrounding sleep, something that is vital for a host of essential functions, such as laying down new memories and enhancing creativity,” explains Blaiss.
Why adolescents are impactedAdolescence, for many individuals, contains a high volume of pivotal life events — such as learning to drive, taking exams, and making decisions about the future. People also become more autonomous and, perhaps, more concerned about the opinions of others. Hay fever it seems, has the potential to make some of these challenges even more challenging.
“Lack of sleep or poor sleep are both huge issues for adolescents, and it can be made worse by the symptoms of hay fever with or without eye allergies. Poor sleep can have a negative impact on school attendance, performance, and academic achievement,” says Blaiss.
The study’s authors hope their findings will give doctors a better insight into the difficulties that some of their adolescent patients might be facing. As they conclude, “It is critical that clinicians gain a greater understanding of the unique burden of allergic rhinitis and allergic rhinoconjunctivitis in adolescents to ensure they receive prompt and appropriate care and treatment to improve clinical and academic outcomes.” – Source: