A diamond is crowned in Lüderitz

Engelbrecht shines bright
For the first time ever, the Miss Teen Namibia pageant introduced a swimwear segment. Host Prime-Rose Harases explained: "Not only are we seeing the grace, poise and confidence from these ladies, but they are now on the international standard".
Zoe Karsten
On 19 July in Lüderitz, Elaine Engelbrecht (15) of Windhoek was crowned Miss Teen Namibia, with Caitlin Bosman chosen as the first runner-up and Queen Sheeya as the second runner-up. The event took place at the Old Power Station and was attended by supporters from all over Namibia.
The Miss Teen Namibia 2024 crowning event started with an upbeat dance performance where the top 10 captured the audience's attention with a colourful ribbon act. This was followed by each finalist introducing themselves to the crowd.
The hosts for the evening were Prime-Rose Harases and Pedro Muvungu, and they promised an evening filled with fun and grace.
For the first time ever, the Miss Teen Namibia pageant introduced a swimwear segment. Harases explained: "Not only are we seeing the grace, poise and confidence from these ladies, but they are now on the international standard".
The judges included Melisa Poulton, Leoné van Jaarsveld, Beaulah Boois-Beukes and Liezel Ndjaronguru.
Van Jaarsveld commented: “I adore what Miss Teen Namibia stands for - the empowerment of young women and the celebration of their potential to change the world. Miss Teen Namibia represents not only beauty and grace, but also resilience, intelligence and a profound commitment to making a positive impact in our communities".

Safe space
During the cocktail round, Engelbrecht expounded on a cause close to her heart: "My advocacy is centred around the prevention of teenage pregnancies. From 2018 to 2021, Namibia had 6 300 cases of teenage pregnancies. I want to create a safe space for guidance and counselling in schools with an open-door policy to connect".
Teenage pregnancies lie very close to her heart, as a very dear friend of hers became a teenage mother and during this time she learnt more about this cause and felt she needed a platform to address the issue.
She hopes that during her reign, she can follow through on her advocacy by making a change and leaving a legacy behind to inspire other young girls.

Lasting bond
Moments after receiving the title, she expressed her excitement and joy. "I feel so happy right now wearing this sash. It's still kicking in. I can't believe that I am Miss Teen Namibia!”
Engelbrecht said the best part of the competition was meeting the other contestants, getting to know them and learning from each other. To her, making these new connections and friendships created a lasting bond.
Through the build-up to the pageant, Engelbrecht has confirmed that she has grown to handle difficult situations in a mature manner and work better with different people on various levels.
She narrated that her biggest supporters have been her family, and they have been with her every step of the way - even from before she entered the competition - as she has expressed her wish to enter Miss Teen Namibia a few years ago.
Umbi Karuaihe-Upi, Miss Teen Namibia director, confirmed that, as in 2022, 2023 and 2024, Engelbrecht will also compete at Miss Teen International, representing Namibia on the international pageant stage.