Celebrating Valentine's Day in vibrant colours

Vepanguka Kahorere
At Epako High School, teachers and students alike dressed in red, white and pink for Valentine's Day, creating a display of colour, peace and love. The goal of this year's event was to strengthen the bonds of friendship and appreciation among learners, rather than only honouring typical symbols of love.
From the early hours of the morning, the school grounds were alive with excitement. Learners arrived, their faces beaming with enthusiasm, donning their best attire in the specified colours. The teachers, too, participated wholeheartedly, setting an example of unity and school spirit. Red symbolised love and passion, white stood for purity and peace, while pink represented dignity and respect.
The day began with a special assembly in the school hall, which was beautifully decorated with balloons, streamers and banners in the day's theme colours. The learners' representative council (LRC) members delivered an inspiring speech highlighting the importance of love and appreciation in creating a positive and nurturing environment. They emphasised that Valentine’s Day at Epako High was not just about romantic love, but about fostering respect, kindness and support among all members of the school.
Throughout the day, various activities were organised to reinforce these values. The learners made a beautiful picture frame that was decorated with hearts, and learners and teachers took pictures with it and shared the love.
After a day full of happiness, peace and respect for one another, learners and teachers celebrated with food, jokes and stories. Everyone left the Epako High School Valentine's Day celebration with treasured memories and a greater sense of gratitude for one another. It was a huge success.