Colour fun walk 2024

Lillian Jansen and Innocentia Motinga
St George's colour fun walk was filled with a joyful and exciting vibe, being the first ever event of its kind the school has hosted. The fun walk started at 07:30 and continued through to 13:00 with a white dress code.
It wasn’t called a colour walk for nothing - at the entrance, there were teachers who threw coloured powder at you. Participants then proceeded to walk from the school entrance past the parliament, Windhoek High School and the museum before taking a gravel road back to the school entrance.
From there, the day was filled with smiles and fun, with entertainment that ranged from stalls, clothes, snacks, games and even obstacle courses all located at the school field. Kayla Kashima, Unique de Almeida, Alexia Mwatolele and Linda Alemu were interviewed and provided great feedback on our school's very first colour fun walk.
“Although we kicked off with powder paint throwing, the fun did not stop there. The day continued with activities like bracelet-making, obstacle courses and game stalls.”
The main attractions were the food stalls, offering hot dogs, corn dogs, slushies and coffee. We look forward to the next event hosted by our school.